Dear Rafah,

My new girl friend wants us to role play when we have sex and has suggested scenarios that involve things like room service in a hotel or her doing the housework and me being a stranger. I’ve never done this before and would prefer just to have sex as ourselves. She said she might climax more easily in a role-playing situation. Now I’m worried she’s been faking it and we are sexually incompatible.

Rafah Says:

What comes to mind straight away for me is how new is new. It sounds like you have embarked on a relationship without consolidating the foundations of your relationship prior to engaging in a sexual relation with your new more


Dear Rafah,

My husband rarely takes me out to restaurant and frequently argues that we eat much better at home and drink better wines than we would be able to afford from some ‘overly marked-up wine list’. I Suppose there is much truth in that, but it’s always me who does the cooking, while he merely opens then decants the wine. What can I do to get him to see that eating out can be fun and not to think only about the bill? I have tried off course to discuss this, but my husband laughs it off.

Rafah Says:

What a stuffy man! Look at him straight in the eye, and state, ‘I need you to take me out for dinner. We need to do this every week, at least once if not twice’. Then see what he more